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A collection of blogs by CMC

Fulton County Cyberattack: Yet another example of how a communications plan could help
Timely communication can help address issues in real time Is the library open? Can I renew my driver’s license? Are vendor deliveries...

Communication plans play key role in perception of stability
Ask CEOs what they want for their business, the answers usually come out in numbers: X percent increase in sales Y percent reduction in...

A cybersecurity breach in your company? It’s not “If” — it’s “When”
It’s easy to think about a cybersecurity breach as something that threatens other companies, particularly large companies. That’s a...

Legislation is shaped in the ‘off season’
This week, all eyes are on the Tax Incentive Review Committee. Charged with reviewing Georgia’s numerous tax credits, the legislative...

How smart leaders can be heard amid the competitive noise of growth
There’s a powerful new industry driving into Georgia: Clean Technology. In the last five years billions of dollars have been invested in...

How CEOs can bring stability to organizations in transition
Socially, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to bring physical suffering and grief along with economic hardships. Linguistically, it brought...

Royal response was less than majestic
Rocked by the explosive allegations revealed in Oprah Winfrey’s emotional interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Royal Family...

Questions asked a year ago weren’t so far-fetched after all
A year ago — even as much as we work in crisis communications — we couldn’t imagine what the next year would bring. It was March 5, 2020,...

Is your business ready for a pandemic?
Best-case scenario is that worst-case scenarios never come to pass. But if they do, you’ll want to be prepared. Your CEO is stuck in a...

Is Your Brand Prepared for a #MeToo Moment?
What happens if #MeToo becomes #YouToo? It’s been more than a year since allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein drove women...

Florida family that housed accused school shooter faces media with honesty
As news about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School spread through the Parkland, FL, community and far beyond, a crisis of...

What happens when pop culture throws you under the bus?
An acceptable time has passed to avoid spoilers on social media, right? So here’s the stunner: It was the Crock-Pot. The millions of us...

No social media policy? That's risky.
A selfie. A coworker’s child. Unmonitored comments. Escalating media coverage. So goes a chain of events at an Atlanta marketing firm...

Change isn't coming, it's here
If you had any doubt about the influence of Millennials, consider the recent news from upscale grocery chain Whole Foods: The market...
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