The Challenge: An innovate global leader wanted to stay tuned in to employee attitudes and ideas. Even with a reputation as a great place to work (or perhaps because of it), the company's leadership knew it could benefit from a deeper understanding of employee opinions. They reasoned that by effectively measuring employee engagement, the company could retain its quality staff and attract new talent.
The Strategy: Working with the company’s key executives and department heads, CMC identified issues that contributed to employee satisfaction. Because we had been commissioned to conduct this study every two years, we could measure changes in satisfaction over time. The data was gathered an electronic survey open to all employees and one-on-one interviews with more than 50 percent of employees. All data was confidential, but we could use unattributed direct quotes from employees to substantiate our observations and recommendations. We also helped the company create a communications plan to describe the purpose and processes of the study and to share results and recommendations with all the important constituencies, from the boardroom to the shop floor.
The Outcome: What the company got from the study was a database of understanding about what’s working and what can be improved. By conducting the survey every two years, the company tracks progress and can better gauge how to take actions that will drive business results. This link between the study and subsequent action gave employees more confidence in the process.